Frequently Asked Questions

A schedule for the upcoming conference is posted when registration opens.

In recognition of your support and partnership, AMDiP will:

  • Present each sponsor with a partner award at the conference;
  • Feature each sponsor’s name and logo on promotional web and social media posts, onsite posters, and conference literature.
  • provide a complimentary conference registration for a sponsor representative (at the $2,500 level and above)

Please see our online pledge form for sponsorship options: https://amdip.org/pledge-form-for-sponsors/

Yes. The online pledge form contains options for contributing a unique and/or one-time amount in support of AMDiP:  https://amdip.org/pledge-form-for-sponsors/
Note: The benefits of sponsorship may change depending on the amount contributed.

Two payment options are available:

1. Pay by credit card
2. Mail a check

Payable to:

o  Association of Law School Diversity Professionals (ALDiP)

o  Tax ID 92-1815040

o  8 The Green, Suite B

o  Dover, DE 19901

Once your online pledge is submitted, we will email you an invoice containing payment and tax ID information.